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From Bacterium to Semiconductor

Date: 8.2.2008 

Proteins of **photosynthetic bacteria** can be used to generate **photocurrent**. How to do that – this can be learnt from the article by Russian researchers. Researchers from different countries are accommodating to their purposes proteins of photosynthesis system bacteria. They are used as an active component of the photocurrent generation chain in the sensory and energy-storing systems. In Russia, the problem is being addressed by specialists of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics (Russian Academy of Sciences), Moscow Institute of Applied-Physics and the Institute of Chemical Physics (Russian Academy of Sciences). The researchers built proteins of reactionary center for purple bacteria photosynthesis into porous nano-crystalline films of titanium oxide. "AlphaGalileo":[ http://www.alphagalileo.org/index.cfm?_rss=1&fuseaction=readrelease&releaseid=526782]



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