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A simple design for a DNA nanoswitch

Date: 8.5.2006 

French and U.S. researchers designed a nanomechanical DNA switch controlled by the rate of temperature variation, thereby providing a flexible, scalable alternative to simultaneous chemical control of different DNA switches at equilibrium. Beyond its central role in biology, DNA has long been recognized as a versatile molecule that can self-assemble into nanoscale objects or form well-controlled supramolecular scaffolds. More recently, DNA was also shown to provide switchable nanomechanical devices whose equilibrium states can be controlled by changing, for example, the medium ionic strength or by using additional "fuel" and "waste" DNA molecules. A group of French and U.S. researchers came up with a simple alternative design of a generic DNA switch controlled by the rate of temperature variation, under fixed chemical conditions. "We have designed and experimentally studied an alternative concept, based on folding kinetics control, to drive and maintain a DNA nanomechanical device out-of-equilibrium under fixed chemical conditions" Hervé Isambert from the Institut Curie in Paris told Nanowerk. Their DNA nanomechanical switch can be driven back and forth between "out of equilibrium" and "equilibrium" states under fixed chemical conditions, by submitting them to fast and slow cooling rates, respectively. "Source":[http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=381.php].



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