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Academic and Science Community Applauds WTO GMO Ruling

Date: 8.2.2007 

"This decision affects not only Argentina, Canada and the United States, who prevailed in this complaint, but the future of agricultural biotechnology for all countries," said Professor C.S. Prakash, president of the AgBioWorld Foundation. "This favorable ruling gives European farmers the option to use safe, approved and proven tools to grow food crops, and gives consumers the right to choose those foods in grocery stores." Over 3,400 scientists, including 25 Nobel Laureates have signed a declaration of support for agricultural biotechnology sponsored by the AgBioWorld Foundation. The Foundation hopes that WTO panel decision will be an important step towards replacing special interest politics with sound science and responsible regulatory and market practices wdhich will benefit consumers in Europe and throughout the globe. Whole article: "www.agbioworld.org":[ http://www.agbioworld.org/biotech-info/pr/wtoruling.html]

The evaluation and prevention of environmental and ecological risks related to introduction of genetically modified crops in the Czech Republic - The project deals with the evaluation of environmental and ecological risks and benefits related to the introduction of genetically modified crops under conditions of the Czech Republic (8.2.2007)

WTO confirms ruling against EU GMO moratorium - GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Trade Organization (WTO) has confirmed in a final ruling that a European Union moratorium on genetically-modified (GMO) foods was illegal, but Brussels said on Thursday the finding would not affect policy (3.6.2006)

Academic and science community welcomes WTO GMO ruling - Independent academics and scientists from around the globe applaud the long-awaited World Trade Organization ruling today which directs the European Union to end its defacto moratorium on biotechnology-improved crops (2.3.2006)

WTO ruling should benefit farmers - A World Trade Organization ruling against EU curbs on imports of genetically modified foods should bring great benefits to farmers and rural areas worldwide, U (2.3.2006)

US Trade representative Rob Portman and U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns on agricultural biotechnology and the WTO - "Today, news reports have stated the World Trade Organization (WTO) has preliminarily found the European Union has a de facto moratorium on agricultural biotechnology products that is inconsistent with WTO rules (2.3.2006)



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