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Artificial Cells To Fight Disease?

Date: 10.2.2007 

Carnegie Mellon University's Philip LeDuc predicts the use of artificially created cells could be a potential new therapeutic approach for treating diseases in an ever-changing world. LeDuc, an assistant professor of mechanical and biomedical engineering, penned an article for the January edition of Nature Nanotechnology Journal about the efficacy of using man-made cells to treat diseases without injecting drugs. "Our proposal is to use naturally available molecules to create pseudo-cell factories where we create a super artificial cell capable of targeting and treating whatever is ailing the body. The human cell is like a bustling metropolis, and we aim to tap the energy and diversity of the processes in a human cell to help the body essentially heal itself," LeDuc said..... Whole article: "www.sciencedaily.com":[ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/02/070207171804.htm]

Stem Cells May Help Heal Joint Injuries - Biomedical sciences professor Dean Betts and doctoral candidate Thomas Koch are hoping to use stem cells to improve cartilage healing after joint injuries (8.2.2007)

Engineers Create 3-D Scaffold For Growing Stem Cells - Stem cells grew, multiplied and differentiated into brain cells on a new three-dimensional scaffold of tiny protein fragments designed to be more like a living body than any other cell culture system (2.1.2007)

Drug Can Quickly Mobilize An Army Of Cells To Repair Injury - To speed healing at sites of injury - such as heart muscle after a heart attack or brain tissue after a stroke - doctors would like to be able to hasten the formation of new blood vessels (22.9.2006)



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