Date: 10.11.2006
New Report Explores Nanotechnology's Future - Controlling the properties and behavior of matter at the smallest scale -- in effect, "domesticating atoms" -- can help to overcome some of the world's biggest challenges, concludes a new report on how diverse experts view the future of nanotechnology (26.4.2007)
Genes Associated With Adverse Reactions To Cancer Radiotherapy Treatment Identified - Medical scientists at the University of Leicester have announced a potentially unique advance in breast cancer research by identifying two genes associated with adverse reaction to cancer treatment (21.4.2007)
Cell Biology: New Connection Between Cancer and Sugars - Every cell in the human body is controlled by signaling networks that are responsive to external stimuli (11.4.2007)
New Weapon Against Cancer: HIV Protein Enlisted To Help Kill Cancer Cells - Cancer cells are sick, but they keep growing because they don't react to internal signals urging them to die (15.2.2007)
Nanotechnology Meets Biology And DNA Finds Its Groove - The object of fascination for most is the DNA molecule (15.2.2007)
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