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Bionanomachines: Proteins as resistance fighters

Date: 18.8.2009 

Scientists of Dresden BIOTEC and MPI-CBG measure drag/**friction** of single molecules. Friction limits the speed and efficiency of **macroscopic engines**. Is this also true for **nanomachines**? A Dresden research team used laser tweezers to measure the friction between a single motor protein molecule and its track. The team found that also within our cells, motors work against the resistance of friction and are restrained in its operation—usually by far not as much though as their macroscopic counterparts. These first experimental measurements of protein friction could help researchers to better understand key cellular processes such as cell division which is driven by such molecular machines (Science, August 14, 2009). "Max Planck Institute":[ http://www.mpg.de/english/illustrationsDocumentation/documentation/pressReleases/2009/pressRelease20090813/index.html]



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