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Biotech Acres: Global Biotech Plantings Show Double-Digit Growth for 10th Straight Year

Date: 18.4.2007 

Biotech farm crops grew in 2006 by 13 percent over the previous year — the 10th straight year of double-digit increases, according to a new report from the nonprofit International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA). Biotech crops achieved a significant milestone in 2006: They were grown on more than 250 million acres around the world. An estimated 10.3 million farmers in 22 countries now plant biotech crops — up from 8.5 million farmers in 21 countries in 2005. About 9.3 million, or 90 percent, of these farmers are resource-poor from developing countries whose increased income from biotech crops contributed to their poverty alleviation, according to the report "Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops in 2006."... Whole article "whybiotech":[ www.whybiotech.com]

New wheat variety aids fight against blight - Researchers have created a new strain of wheat with an inbuilt resistance to devastating scab blight which infects wheat heads - reducing crop yields as well as market value and quality (26.3.2007)

Modified crops help reduce greenhouse gases - In 2005, the impact in reduced carbon dioxide emissions was the equivalent of removing nearly 4 million average family cars from the road, said the study by Graham Brookes and Peter Barfoot of PG Economics Ltd (11.3.2007)

Can Biotech and Organic Crops Coexist? - Can biotech and organic crops coexist without biotech material finding its way into organic plants, compromising their economic value? What practices do farmers follow to maintain the integrity of organic and genetically enhanced crops? Coexistence: A Familiar Challenge for Farmers The issue of coexistence predates the introduction of biotechnology (21.2.2007)

Global biotech crop cultivation continues to grow: why is Europe so far - Marc Van Montagu, one of the best known plant biotech pioneers in Europe, is convinced that technology transfer and plant biotechnology research oriented to the needs of the developing countries are important: "Fighting the vicious circle of hunger and poverty is the most urgent task that faces our society, and will require a reformulation of current models of agriculture," he said (30.1.2007)

Bio-crops may be created for biofuels: report - The rapidly growing U (6.9.2006)



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