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Biotechnology As The Job Machine Of The Coming Decade - By 2020 More Employment Than Today In The Chemical Industry As A Whole

Date: 7.5.2007 

Biotechnology must be applied more intensively in a wider range of uses, in order to keep up and to strengthen the competitiveness of German industry in the international arena - this is the outcome of a broad study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (Fraunhofer ISI) and the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) Berlin. The study was commissioned by IG BCE (Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Union), DIB (German Association of Biotechnology Industries) and the foundation Hans Böckler Stiftung, with the aim of providing the first scientifically substantiated, overall picture of biotechnology in Germany today and in the future. Germany must use the potential of this new technology in a more decisive manner and improve relevant framework conditions, so that this industry location is not left behind in dynamic international developments. Ms Edeltraut Glänzer, board member of IG BCE, emphasizes: "This is about looking ahead. The core issue is what vision we have for living and working in Germany in the next decade and beyond. Innovative forces - such as biotechnology - strengthen our economy, create jobs and secure our standard of living. To benefit from this potential, we must further focus on our strong points - for example, in industrial biotechnology -, and we must do some catching up where this is necessary. This holds true especially for plant biotechnology."... Whole article: "http://www.medicalnewstoday.com":[ http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?newsid=69896]



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