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Biotechnology: Fortune's Fool Or Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On?

Date: 2.4.2007 

In a world where arable land is finite and population growth is on a different trajectory, most would concur that innovation is essential for sustaining and enhancing agricultural quality and productivity. Most such innovative technologies have come into common usage without much controversy or even knowledge by the average consumer. However, some recent technologies, namely biotechnology and more specifically recombinant DNA technology, have inspired debate in a manner unlike any previous technological development. So called genetically modified (GM) crops were grown by 8.5 million farmers on 222 million acres in 21 countries in 2005. This first generation of products focused largely on input agronomic traits, the next generation will focus more on value-added output traits. Interestingly, more than half of the 63 countries engaged in biotech research, development and production are developing countries.... Plant & Animal Genomes XV Conference: "www.intl-pag.org":[ http://www.intl-pag.org/15/abstracts/PAG15_S01_1.html]

Nobel Laureate James Watson supports applications of recombinant DNA technology in agriculture - "I believe in technology (29.1.2007)

President Clinton Highlights Use of Biotechnology to Improve Agriculture and the Environment, and Alleviate Disease - Agricultural biotechnology will play a significant role in feeding and healing developing countries Former President Bill Clinton met with farmers from eleven countries April 11 at the BIO 2006 Annual International Convention in Chicago to discuss the benefits of plant biotechnology (29.5.2006)

US Trade representative Rob Portman and U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns on agricultural biotechnology and the WTO - "Today, news reports have stated the World Trade Organization (WTO) has preliminarily found the European Union has a de facto moratorium on agricultural biotechnology products that is inconsistent with WTO rules (2.3.2006)



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