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Boost For New Cancer Therapies

Date: 20.12.2006 

Scientists have revealed the critical role a key enzyme plays in helping cells divide in what could prove an important breakthrough for new cancer therapies. Cells divide to form two identical cells as part of the body's natural development and replenishment processes but when cells divide in an abnormal manner, tumours can develop. Research has shown that an enzyme called 'Polo kinase' is involved in normal cell division but that it also goes into overdrive in cancer helping cells to multiply in an uncontrolled way. Clinical trials on drugs that block the actions of Polo kinase started in the United States last year but the complete picture of how the enzyme assisted the cell-division process has not been clear until now. Writing in the highly respected science journal, Nature... Whole article: "http://www.sciencedaily.com/":[ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/12/061214142300.htm]

Cheap molecule may attack tumors - A cheaply-produced molecule may be the key to treating a variety of cancers, claim Canadian researchers (23.4.2007)

Genes Associated With Adverse Reactions To Cancer Radiotherapy Treatment Identified - Medical scientists at the University of Leicester have announced a potentially unique advance in breast cancer research by identifying two genes associated with adverse reaction to cancer treatment (21.4.2007)

New Weapon Against Cancer: HIV Protein Enlisted To Help Kill Cancer Cells - Cancer cells are sick, but they keep growing because they don't react to internal signals urging them to die (15.2.2007)

Scientists discover new gene that prevents multiple types of cancer - A decades-old cancer mystery has been solved by researchers at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) (14.2.2007)



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