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BrainStorm`s Stem Cells Benefit Parkinson`s

Date: 23.12.2005 

The differentiated cells were previously shown to produce a unique protein required for brain cell survival and growth, glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). The GDNF expressing cells, known as astrocytes, were derived by differentiation of human bone marrow stem cells, using the proprietary NurOwnTM technology that has been developed by the Company based on discoveries made by Prof. Eldad Melamed and Dr. Daniel Offen of Tel-Aviv University. This technology is exclusively licensed to the Company. In the current study, the cells were transplanted into Parkinson`s disease rats, generated by specifically damaging their dopaminergic cells. Within weeks of the transplantation, there was significant improvement in their characteristic disease behavior, including more than 50% reduction in rotational movement and enhancement in their paw reaching capacity. Source:"here":[ http://www.bioisrael.com/].

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