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Buckets of DNA nanoparticles

Date: 11.1.2007 

Molecular buckets that pack DNA into nanoparticles could have implications for gene therapy, say scientists in Greece. Konstantina Yannakopoulou at the National Center for Scientific Research ‘Demokritos’ in Athens and her team have made a series of cyclic sugars, called cyclodextrins, that can interact with DNA. Cyclodextrins have a cone-like structure that allows them to act as hosts for guest molecules. This new class of cyclodextrin can compress DNA guests into nanoparticles, which is a requirement for transferring DNA into cells, said Yannakopoulou. whole article on "www.rsc.org":[ http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/cb/Volume/2007/2/BucketsofDNAnanoparticles.asp]

Nanoparticle Self-Assembly Triggered by Tumor-Associated Enzyme - There is a growing recognition among cancer researchers that the most accurate methods for detecting early-stage cancer will require the development of sensitive assays that can identify simultaneously multiple biomarkers associated with malignant cells (1.6.2007)

Nanoparticles improve delivery of medicines and diagnostics - Tiny, biodegradable particles filled with medicine may also contain answers to some of the biggest human health problems, including cancer and tuberculosis (14.4.2007)

Stress-Induced Heart Disease Controlled By Tiny Molecule - A tiny snippet of RNA, a chemical cousin of DNA, controls damage to the heart under several types of stress, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found (30.3.2007)

Nanoparticle Boost for Antitumor Vaccines - Researchers have known for some time that certain sequences of synthetic DNA induce potent immune responses when injected into animals and humans (21.2.2007)



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