Date: 22.7.2007
Plastic that grows on trees - Scientists took a giant step closer to the biorefinery this week, reporting in the June 15 issue of the journal Science that they have directly converted sugars ubiquitous in nature to an alternative source for those products that make oil so valuable, with very little of the residual impurities that have made the quest so daunting (19.6.2007)
Tea Tree Oil Can Lead to Antibiotic Resistance - Repeated exposure to low doses of Tea Tree Oil – a common ingredient in many beauty products – can increase the chances of suffering from “superbug” infections, University of Ulster scientists have revealed (20.2.2007)
First tree joins genome club - The first tree genome has been published (5.10.2006)
Fast-growing trees could take root as future energy source - A tree that can reach 90 feet in six years and be grown as a row crop on fallow farmland could represent a major replacement for fossil fuels (30.8.2006)
Next up for biotech: Virus-resistant trees - The only way to halt the spread of the virus is to destroy the entire orchard that is infected, and that's a risk a grower can't afford to take when an acre of fruit trees can be worth $10,000 (12.8.2006)
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