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Can Biotech and Organic Crops Coexist?

Date: 21.2.2007 

Can biotech and organic crops coexist without biotech material finding its way into organic plants, compromising their economic value? What practices do farmers follow to maintain the integrity of organic and genetically enhanced crops? Coexistence: A Familiar Challenge for Farmers The issue of coexistence predates the introduction of biotechnology. The ease of cross-pollination can compromise the purity of all types of seeds — in the field and beyond. Consider supply streams. Seeds and plant material can inadvertently mix during transportation. And they can commingle at local elevators, processing plants and other facilities that house and handle organic, biotech and conventional material at different times — or even simultaneously. While the coexistence of biotechnology and organic farming has received much attention of late, farmers, producers and consumers can rest assured knowing that previous generations successfully addressed the challenges of other forms of coexistence. According to the International Seed Federation, which represents the seed industry: "The farming community and the seed industry have a long history of growing different crops side-by-side and producing pure seed stocks." Whole article: "www.whybiotech.com":[ http://www.whybiotech.com/index.asp?id=5596]

Biotech Acres: Global Biotech Plantings Show Double-Digit Growth for 10th Straight Year - Biotech farm crops grew in 2006 by 13 percent over the previous year — the 10th straight year of double-digit increases, according to a new report from the nonprofit International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) (18.4.2007)

Biotech Plants Help Clean the Environment - Most people think of plant biotechnology as it relates to agriculture (14.2.2007)

Global biotech crop cultivation continues to grow: why is Europe so far - Marc Van Montagu, one of the best known plant biotech pioneers in Europe, is convinced that technology transfer and plant biotechnology research oriented to the needs of the developing countries are important: "Fighting the vicious circle of hunger and poverty is the most urgent task that faces our society, and will require a reformulation of current models of agriculture," he said (30.1.2007)

GM techniques turn a plant parasite into a potential saviour of rice producers - Beautiful and much loved shrubs and trees afflicted with the disease produce swellings, or galls, along the length of the branches and roots and often die (17.8.2006)

GM Europe staff to protest over Portuguese plant - FRANKFURT (Reuters) - General Motors (NYSE:GM - News) staff will go on strike at a Portuguese assembly plant on Tuesday and protest elsewhere after talks on Monday to save the Azambuja factory foundered, the carmaker's European works council said (19.6.2006)



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