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Cloning of prawns Boon for Indian export sector

Date: 23.2.2007 

A Centrally-aided research project of the Calicut University Zoology department has made a path-breaking feat in the field of genetic engineering and cloning, which can have a tremendous impact in the export of prawns, the country’s major source of foreign exchange. Aided by the Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) under the Union Ministry of Science and Technology, this 3-year research project in cloning has successfully isolated two growth regulating genes in the giant fresh water prawns (macro brachium rosenbergii) at the university laboratory. ‘‘Now the clone is at our disposal which has to undergo further procedures of genetic engineering before it can be introduced in prawns,’’ principal investigator K V Lazar, a reader with the Zoology department, told this website's newspaper. A report on the successful completion of the first phase has already been handed over to the DBT. The Rs 33-lakh(747,000 USD) project aims to generate giant prawns of a different nature from the usual fresh water prawns, combining the technologies in genetic engineering and cloning. The growth regulating genes in the prawns could be replaced through cloning leading to a new variety of prawns with extra-ordinary growth rate, Lazar said. With another one-and-a-half years left for the completion of the project, he expects prompt introduction of the clone in prawns that would help the country to take a major leap in the export sector. Whole article: "www.checkbiotech.org":[ http://www.checkbiotech.org/root/index.cfm?fuseaction=news&doc_id=14465&start=1&control=207&page_start=1&page_nr=101&pg=1]

Non-GMO Solution To Seafood Allergies - Seafood allergy sufferers may soon be able to eat prawns without the fear of an adverse reaction (1.3.2007)

Double trouble impedes cloning - Like any good mother cow, she scampered around the pen, doing her best to stay between her calf and curious visitors (26.2.2007)

Full benefits of animal cloning a good 50 years away - Speaking on the 10th anniversary of the birth of Dolly, the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell, Ian Wilmut also said Britain had failed to exploit the landmark work, letting the United States and Japan take the lead on animal cloning (13.7.2006)

Sequencing genomes from single cells by polymerase cloning - Genome sequencing currently requires DNA from pools of numerous nearly identical cells (clones), leaving the genome sequences of many difficult-to-culture microorganisms unattainable (22.6.2006)

Cloning, Biochemical Properties, and Distribution of Mycobacterial Haloalkane Dehalogenases - Haloalkane dehalogenases are enzymes that catalyze the cleavage of the carbon-halogen bond by a hydrolytic mechanism (16.5.2006)



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