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Combinational adenovirus-mediated gene therapy and dendritic cell vaccine in combating well-established tumors

Date: 7.4.2006 

By far, adenovirus (AdV)-mediated gene therapy is one of the most promising approaches, as has confirmed by studies relating to animal tumor models and clinical trials. Dendritic cells (DCs) are highly efficient, specialized antigen-presenting cells, and DC-based tumor vaccines are regarded as having much potential in cancer immunotherapy. However, these approaches have been unsuccessful in combating well-established tumors in animal models. Therefore, a major strategic goal of current cancer immunotherapy has become the development of novel therapeutic strategies that can combat well-established tumors, thus resembling real clinical practice since a good proportion of cancer patients generally present with significant disease. "Source":[ http://www.nature.com/cr/journal/v16/n3/abs/7310032a.html].

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