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Creating Males With Female Sex Chromosomes: Brain Gene Flicks The Switch On Gender

Date: 22.8.2007 

**University of Adelaide researchers have discovered a way of creating a male mouse without a Y chromosome by manipulating a single gene in the developing foetus.** Normally males have one **X** and one **Y chromosome** and females have two X chromosomes. But Postdoctoral Research Officer Dr Edwina Sutton has produced male mice with two **X chromosomes** by artificially activating a gene in the developing gonads. "The gene - **Sox3** on the X chromosome - is well known for its impact on brain development, but this is the first time it's ever been shown to change sexual development. By making this brain gene active in the developing gonads of mice with two X chromosomes during the critical stage of development, we switched off female development and switched on 'maleness'," said Dr Sutton... Whole article on "ScienceDaily":[ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/08/070819213846.htm]



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