Date: 3.3.2007
FDA approves new Parkinson's treatment - The U (11.5.2007)
Nanoparticles improve delivery of medicines and diagnostics - Tiny, biodegradable particles filled with medicine may also contain answers to some of the biggest human health problems, including cancer and tuberculosis (14.4.2007)
Stress-Induced Heart Disease Controlled By Tiny Molecule - A tiny snippet of RNA, a chemical cousin of DNA, controls damage to the heart under several types of stress, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found (30.3.2007)
Gene therapy for foetuses hope - The work is controversial not just because of the ethics but also safety concerns (20.3.2007)
Nanotubes transport gene therapy drug into T-cells known to block HIV from entering cells in vitro - A promising approach to gene therapy involves short DNA fragments (interfering RNA) that bind to specific genes and block their "translation" into the corresponding, disease-related protein (22.2.2007)
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