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Drug Discovery Line of Research in Generi Biotech Company

Date: 23.2.2007 

Most of biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies are aware that it may not be economically efficient to maintain all R&D activities in-house. It seems that leading international pharma companies are gradually adopting outsourcing strategies in order to focus on their core activities and thus increase competitiveness. Outsourcing expenditures account now for about 25-30% of total operating costs and it is probable that hey will grow to 30-50% in the future. GENERI BIOTECH aims to reflect this trend and take part in an outsourcing strategy as a provider of selected molecular biology services. Most of GB´s know-how comes from results of Research Center of Structure and Mechanism of Action of Potential Drugs, joint project of Faculty of Pharmacy of Charles University, the largest Czech pharma company Zentiva, and GB. After finishing the 4.5-year project of he Center in the end of 2004, GB continues a development of some applications either at its own expense, or using national public funds (Czech grant agencies). GB has recently submitted several projects applying the topic of drug discovery. A know-how that has been acquired in the project of the Center and in several minor projects we had been simultaneously working on, may be interesting for potential partners we continually seek for a future FP6 and/or FP7 EU research projects in the field of drug discovery. For this type of international projects, we offer all methods and techniques available in GB and a staff who had mastered them. Whole article: "www.generi-biotech.com":[ http://www.generi-biotech.com/research/index.htm]

Man-made Proteins Could Be More Useful than Real Ones - Researchers have constructed a protein out of amino acids not found in natural proteins, discovering that they can form a complex, stable structure that closely resembles a natural protein (9.2.2007)

Lab-on-a-chip Could Speed Up Treatment Of Drug-resistant Pneumonia - The emergency treatment of drug-resistant infections with targeted antibiotics is often delayed by the need to identify bacterial strains by growing them in culture first (29.11.2006)

Novel Drug-antidote Combination Shown Safe In Humans - A new combination of a potent anticoagulant and an antidote that stops its action, has proved to be safe in its first clinical trial in humans, according to the team conducting the trial (23.11.2006)

Researchers discover way to see how a drug attaches to a cell - Sandia National Laboratories researchers John Shelnutt and Yujiang Song have discovered a better way to see where a drug attaches to a cell through a new process that produces novel hollow platinum nanostructures (20.11.2006)

New biochip could accelerate drug development - Researchers have developed a biochip that could prove crucial in future drug development (29.10.2006)



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