Home pagePress monitoringDrug Makers Seek Clues to Side Effects in Genes

Drug Makers Seek Clues to Side Effects in Genes

Date: 1.10.2007 

Seven of the largest pharmaceutical companies have formed a group to develop genetic tests to determine which patients would be at risk from dangerous drug side effects.

The new group, the International Serious Adverse Events Consortium, is one of a wave of cooperative research efforts sweeping the drug industry, as companies come under pressure to cut costs and increase their success rates in developing medications. The Food and Drug Administration has encouraged the formation of such groups...

Whole article on "nytimes":[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/27/health/research/27effect.html?_r=2&adxnnl=1&oref=slogin&ref=health&adxnnlx=1190901209-z2J44ckgU7/bZkwGTXnpVg&oref=slogin]



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