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Embracing ethanol: Florida looks to biofuels to fix energy woes

Date: 19.7.2006 

TAMPA, Fla. - Bradley Krohn met with skepticism two years ago when he announced plans to build Florida's first ethanol production plant. Critics said the fuel additive wouldn't fly outside the Midwest's Corn Belt. Now Krohn's company, U.S. EnviroFuels LLC, is at the heart of a rush by Florida politicians to embrace ethanol as the gas additive that will transform the Sunshine State from a vulnerable fuel importer to self-reliant fuel producer. One recent June afternoon, Krohn stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who described Krohn's company as a key player in the state's $100 million initiative fix Florida's energy woes. A few weeks earlier, Krohn was among several alternative fuel entrepreneurs praised by U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla. Bush thinks Florida could be competitive with the Midwest because of its sugarcane production and other crops. "Corn grows one crop (a year) in the Midwest ... Here we can grow two and sometimes three, depending the crop," he said. The state burns about 7.5 billion gallons of gas each year. Krohn said Floridians could consume up to 750 million gallons of ethanol if stations statewide sold a 90 percent gasoline-10 percent ethanol mixture. Nationally, 91 plants produced 4 billion gallons of ethanol last year - none of it in Florida, according to the Renewable Fuels Association. U.S. EnviroFuel's $80 million Port of Tampa plant will be able to produce about 40 million gallons of ethanol a year. Construction is set to begin in August. The company plans to build a second facility farther south in Port Manatee. Jacksonville-based Gate Petroleum also has announced plans to build an ethanol plant in north Florida. "We'd have to build 20 of these plants to satisfy the market potential," said Krohn, who ran a bioenergy program in Missouri before forming U.S. EnviroFuels with two partners in 2003. "There is no ethanol being blended today in Florida, so we identified Florida as a tremendous market opportunity." Ethanol is as old as the automobile. Henry Ford's Model T could be modified to run on it, a U.S. Department of Energy report said. But only recently has production of the corn- and sugar-based gas additive generated interest outside the Midwest. Critics warn biofuel production is energy- and water-intensive and that the nation's farms could never supply enough produce to meet current fuel demands. But President Bush pumped up ethanol in his State of the Union address. Billionaire Bill Gates bought into it with a significant investment in a California ethanol company in April. Last week, U.S. automakers pledged to double production of flexible-fuel vehicles by 2010. The Department of Energy says the fuel additive could knock up to 60 cents off a gallon of gas by 2015. Both the president and Gov. Bush praise ethanol as a way to wean Americans from their dependence on foreign oil. Gov. Bush said the additive can stretch Florida's fuel supply if a hurricane cuts off the state's gasoline supply. Florida imports almost all of its gasoline by ship. What could really push Florida into the forefront is a breakthrough in cellulosic biomass ethanol production, distilling citrus pulp, yard waste, peanut shells and other natural waste into a fuel additive. The process now is unproven and expensive. "We're eagerly working on this problem," said Lonnie Ingram, a biofuels researcher and professor of microbiology at the University of Florida. "It's a technology that's not up and running in any state." Ingram is trying to raise $20 million to build a prototype biomass ethanol plant. The plant would produce 1 million to 2 million gallons of biomass ethanol a year. "Florida has the opportunity to be the No. 1 producer of alternative fuels," Ingram said. "We're the biggest biomass producer in the country. And we've got the rain, the sun and the land." U.S. EnviroFuels is sticking to the proven corn distilling process. The company will initially import corn from the Midwest, but hopes to buy more from local growers as the state embraces ethanol production. Krohn said the company is also investigating using sugarcane to produce ethanol. He said the estimated 40 million gallons of ethanol from the plant will be available at Florida gas pumps in October 2007. One of his biggest challenges will be getting consumers to buy it. He said most motorists aren't aware that 5 million American cars, including the hefty Chevrolet Suburban, are designed to run on an 85 percent ethanol blend. Krohn said he will initially stick to providing ethanol for a 10 percent gasoline blend. "I think there is a big misconception," Krohn said. "The consumer is always asking can I put ethanol in my car? Any car can run on it. They just don't know." Source:[ http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/breaking_news/14947738.htm]

The Long-Run Impact of Corn-Based Ethanol on the Grain, Oilseed, and Livestock Sectors with Implications for Biotech Crops - The ongoing growth of corn–based ethanol production raises some fundamental questions about what impact continued growth will have on US and world agriculture (22.5.2007)

UN warns on impacts of biofuels - A UN report warns that a hasty switch to biofuels could have major impacts on livelihoods and the environment (10.5.2007)

New variety of corn makes ethanol production for cars more cost effective - Michigan State University researchers claim to have developed a new variety of corn that promises to make ethanol production for running cars, more cost-effective and efficient (9.5.2007)

New generation biofuels coming soon - The credentials of biofuels might have been dented by claims that current production methods are inefficient, lead to deforestation and drive up food prices, but a German firm hopes to change all this with new technology (24.4.2007)

A new biofuel: propane - While much of the attention on biofuels has focused on ethanol, the process developed by the MIT researchers produces propane, says Andrew Peterson, one of the graduate students who demonstrated the reactions (20.4.2007)



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