The Erasmus Mundus Doctorate in Membrane Engineering (EUDIME) is designed to implement - at international level - excellence, innovation, mobility and multidisciplinarity in investigation approaches related to membrane science and technology. The consortium includes six leading partner institutions: University of Twente (The Netherlands), Institute of Chemical Technology Prague (Czech Republic), University of Montpellier 2 and University Paul Sabatier-Toulouse (France), University of Leuven (Belgium), and University of Calabria (Italy).
In addition, ten associate partners are part of the EUDIME consortium: University of Lisboa (Portugal), University of Zaragoza (Spain), RWTH Aachen (Germany), the European Membrane Society, the European Membrane House, and five industrial companies well-reputed in the field: SAPIO S.r.L. and GVS S.p.A. (Italy), Veolia Environment (France), Alfa Laval A/S (Denmark), and Mikropur s.r.o.(Czech Republic).
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