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European Course on Biotechnology Ethics - 29 June - 6 July, in Brno, The Czech Republic

Date: 15.5.2006 

The European Course on Biotechnology Ethics is designed to provide, through a case-based approach, an interdisciplinary forum of discussion covering the themes of ethical theory and practice, European law on biotechnology and New Member States problems, risk and risk perception, ethical factors in new research, technological practice, policy and politics. The course, organised by Biotethed, is aimed at Ph.D. students / young researchers of Life Sciences and Ethics and fulfils the interdisciplinary requirements for the European Doctorate in biotechnology (www.eurodoctor.it). Biotethed is EC-funded and is run by 16 institutes and research centres from 13 different European countries. The course will be facilitated by internationally recognized academics, many of whom have taught in earlier courses, including Mike Adcock, Franco Celada, Brunetto Chiarelli Eugenijus Gefenas, Louis-Marie Houdebine, Matthias Kaiser, Josef Kure, Julian Kinderlerer, Laurens Landeweerd, Anna Olsson, Alex Quintanilha, Carlos Romeo-Casabona, Imre Szebik, David Townend and Lisbeth Witthoff Nielsen. The course will take place from June 29th - July 6th 2006 at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic (a new EU Member State); Director of the Course is Josef Kure, with the assistance of the Biotethed Scientific Committee. Participations in the course are limited to 30 students, selected to give a wide interdisciplinary group of students. Applications must be made online and supported by a letter of recommendation (to be printed on official stationery and sent by fax to the number +39 010 35338152). The Course is subsided by the EC, covering the cost of single-room accommodation and meals. Participants will need to cover their own travel expenses. A limited number of travel bursaries are available (details on the website). Deadline for application: 20 May 2006. Successful applicants will be notified by 1 June 2006. * The application form and further details can be found at www.biotethics.org * Download announcement (PDF file) Contact: Professor Franco Celada, Coordinator Biotethed Via L.B. Alberti, 4 – 16132 Genova, Italy Tel. +39 010 353 38150/151 - Fax +39 010 353 38152 E-mail: celada@unige.it Professor Josef Kure, jkure@med.muni.cz "Source":[http://www.efb-central.org/index.php/Main/european_course_on_biotechnology_ethics]



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