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Exploding Chromosomes Fuel Research About Evolution Of Genetic Storage

Date: 25.8.2008 

Human cells somehow squeeze two meters of double-stranded **DNA** into the space of a typical chromosome, a package 10,000 times smaller than the volume of genetic material it contains. Now research into single-celled, **aquatic algae called dinoflagellates** is showing that these and related organisms may have evolved more than one way to achieve this feat of genetic packing. Even so, the evolution of chromosomes in dinoflagellates, humans and other mammals seem to share a common biochemical basis, according to a team Levi-Setti led. The team's findings appear online, in Science Direct's list of papers in press in the **European Journal of Cell Biology**. Whole article on "sciencedaily":[ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/08/080821164306.htm]



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