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Fluorescent Proteins Developed For Live Cell Imaging, Biosensor Design

Date: 9.2.2008 

Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have developed new **fluorogen activating proteins** (FAPs) which can be used to monitor biological activities of individual proteins and other biomolecules within living cells in real time. FAPs will become a key component of novel **molecular biosensor technology** being created at Carnegie Mellon. Scientists designed the **FAPs** to emit fluorescent light only when bound to a fluorogen, an otherwise non-fluorescent dye added by the scientists. This feature will allow biologists to track proteins on the cell surface and within living cells in very simple and direct ways, eliminating cumbersome experimental steps. Source: "http://www.cmu.edu":[ http://www.cmu.edu/news/archive/2008/February/feb6_FAPs.shtml] More informations: "http://www.mbic.cmu.edu":[ http://www.mbic.cmu.edu/index.html]



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