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From Stem Cells To New Organs: Scientists Cross Threshold In Regenerative Medicine

Date: 4.3.2009 

By now, most people have read stories about how to "grow your own organs" using stem cells is just a breakthrough away. Despite the hype, this breakthrough has been elusive. A new report brings **bioengineered organs** a step closer, as scientists from Stanford and New York University Langone Medical Center describe how they were able to use a "scaffolding" material extracted from the groin area of mice on which **stem cells** from blood, fat, and bone marrow grew. This advance clears two major hurdles to bioengineered replacement organs, namely a matrix on which stem cells can form a three-dimensional organ and transplant rejection. More "Sciencedaily.com":[ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090226110657.htm]



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