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General biology


Authors: Augustin Svoboda, Milan Hejtmánek, Roman Janisch, Miroslav Červinka, Karel Lenhart, Zdeněk Kolář
Publishing: H & H Vyšehradská, spol. s r. o., Komenského 236, 25225 Jinočany
Published: 2000
This book is written in Czech language. It used diagrams from the treatises: Alberts B., Bray D., Lewis J.,Raff M., Roberts K., Watson J. D.: Molecular Biology of the Cell. Garland Publishing Inc., New York - London, third publication 1994. Becker W. M., Reece J. B., Poenie M. F.: The World of the Cell. Benjamin/Cummings Publ. Comp., New York, 1996. Campbell N. A.: Biology. Benjamin/Cummings Publ. Comp., New York, 1996. Smith C. A., Wood E. J.: Cell Biology. Chapman and Hall. London, 1996.The publication is is the first one in Czech literature, which is engaged in cytoskeleton. It provides integrated review of knowledges in this topic. There are also elucidated essential methods of exploration of cytoskele


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