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Generation of human antibody fragments against Streptococcus mutans using a phage display chain shuffling approach.

Date: 30.3.2006 

Common oral diseases and dental caries can be prevented effectively by passive immunization. In humans, passive immunotherapy may require the use of humanized or human antibodies to prevent adverse immune responses against murine epitopes. Therefore we generated human single chain and diabody antibody derivatives based on the binding characteristics of the murine monoclonal antibody Guy's 13. The murine form of this antibody has been used successfully to prevent Streptococcus mutans colonization and the development of dental caries in non-human primates, and to prevent bacterial colonization in human clinical trials. Results The antibody derivatives were generated using a chain-shuffling approach based on human antibody variable gene phage-display libraries. Like the parent antibody, these derivatives bound specifically to SAI/II, the surface adhesin of the oral pathogen S. mutans. Conclusions Humanization of murine antibodies can be easily achieved using phage display libraries. The human antibody fragments bind the antigen as well as the causative agent of dental caries. In addition the human diabody derivative is capable of aggregating S. mutans in vitro, making it a useful candidate passive immunotherapeutic agent for oral diseases. "Source":[ http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=548521].

Single Gene May Defend Bacteria From Antibiotics And Infection - Bacteria have two major enemies: antibiotic drugs and bacteriophage viruses, which infect and kill them (5.3.2007)



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