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Genetic Dissection of Phenotypic Diversity in Farm Animals


Authors: Leif Andersson
Publishing: Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box 597, S-
Published: February 2001 |
Farm animal populations harbour rich collections of mutations with phenotypic effects that have been purposefully enriched by breeding. Most of these mutations do not have pathological phenotypic consequences, in contrast to the collections of deleterious mutations in model organisms or those causing inherited disorders in humans. Farm animals are of particular interest for identifying genes that control growth, energy metabolism, development, appetite, reproduction and behaviour, as well as other traits that have been manipulated by breeding. Genome research in farm animals will add to our basic understanding of the genetic control of these traits and the results will be applied in breeding programmes to reduce the incidence of disease and to improve product quality and production efficiency.



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