MZLU Brno Training Centre in Křtiny Castle (January 18, 2006)
07:45 Departure of a bus from MZLU Brno (1 Zemedelska)08:30 Registration of participants09:00 "Grounding of Genetical Engineering of Plants" (in Czech) Doc. Ing. Jan Bednar, CSc., MZLU Brno
12:00 - 13:00 Break
13:00 "Regulation of GMO Disposal - Legislation in the Czech Republic and European Union, Approval Procedure" (in Czech) Ing. Zuzana Doubkova, Ministry of the Enviroment, Department of Enviromental Hazards
"Coexistence of Different Systems in Agricultural Production - Legislation for Production of Genetic Modificated Cultivars" (in Czech) Ing. Marie Cerovska, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Plant Commodities
"10 Years of Practical Use of Agrobiology - Genetic Modificated Crops and its Use in Agronomy" (in Czech) Ing. Martin Singer, Monsanto CR, Ltd
15:15 Conclusion 15:30 Departure
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