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Germ-proof kevlar clothing developed

Date: 24.7.2008 

Researchers at University of South Dakota have developed fire/thermal protective fabric which simultaneously provides potent, durable, and rechargeable biocidal activities against E. coli, S. aureus, C. tropicalis, MS2 virus and Bacillus subtilis spores. The study of University of South Dakota introduces biocidal functions of Kevlar fabrics, as a first step to combine thermal and biological protective functions into one system. The biocidal activities are provided by **N-halamines** using the oxidative reaction which occurs after their reaction with **harmful bioagents**. #img_997#.> *SEM results of the biocidal functions of the fabric samples: (a) uncoated Kevlar fabrics challenged with S. aureus, (a′) chlorinated PMAA-coated Kevlar fabrics challenged with S. aureus, (b) uncoated Kevlar fabrics challenged with E. coli, (b′) chlorinated PMAA-coated Kevlar fabrics challenged with E. coli, (c) uncoated Kevlar fabrics challenged with C. tropicalis, and (c′) chlorinated PMAA-coated Kevlar fabrics challenged with C. tropicalis. (Credit: University of South Dakota)* Source: "http://pubs.acs.org":[ http://pubs.acs.org/cgi-bin/sample.cgi/iecred/asap/html/ie800021p.html]



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