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Getting Dirty May Lift Your Mood

Date: 12.4.2007 

Bacteria found in the soil activated a group of neurons that produce the brain chemical serotonin. Treatment of mice with a 'friendly' bacteria, normally found in the soil, altered their behavior in a way similar to that produced by antidepressant drugs, reports research published in the latest issue of Neuroscience. These findings, identified by researchers at the University of Bristol and colleagues at University College London, aid the understanding of why an imbalance in the immune system leaves some individuals vulnerable to mood disorders like depression. Dr Chris Lowry, lead author on the paper from Bristol University, said: "These studies help us understand how the body communicates with the brain and why a healthy immune system is important for maintaining mental health. They also leave us wondering if we shouldn't all be spending more time playing in the dirt."... Whole article "sciencedaily":[ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/04/070402102001.htm]

Scientists find brain tumor protein link - U (21.7.2007)

Single Gene May Defend Bacteria From Antibiotics And Infection - Bacteria have two major enemies: antibiotic drugs and bacteriophage viruses, which infect and kill them (5.3.2007)

Evolution Of Typhoid Bacteria: Researchers Warn Of Increased Spread Of Resistant Strains - In a study published in the latest issue of Science (24 November, 2006), an international consortium from the Max-Planck Society, Wellcome Trust Institutes in Britain and Vietnam, and the Institut Pasteur in France have elucidated the evolutionary history of Salmonella Typhi (2.12.2006)

Lactic Acid Bacteria: Zesty Microbes Enliven The Palate, Provide Better Blueprint For Biofuels And Specialty Chemical Production - With public concerns at a fevered pitch over the bacterial contamination of spinach, it is easy to lose track of how bland and deprived our world would be without the contribution to our food supply of such benign microbial players as lactic acid-producing bacteria (12.11.2006)

New fuels from bacteria - A breakthrough in the production of biofuels has been developed by scientists in Germany (28.9.2006)



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