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GM potato crops to produce vaccines

Date: 7.8.2006 

University of Rostock scientists aim to plant three rows of the GM crop on 2,200m2 in Gross Luesewitz, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, over the next two years. The scientists intend to grow one row of potatoes containing a non-toxic cholera protein that is already used as an auxiliary substance in immunisations against cholera and similar illnesses. They aim for a second row to produce elements of a vaccine against a type of rabbit disease. The third line will produce a special protein that could be used as a raw material in the chemical industry. The Federal Office for Consumer Protection gave the go-ahead to produce up to 9,440 of the plants. It insists the tests are not dangerous to humans or the environment. It added that the plantation will be fenced to stop wild animals from eating or carrying off the crops and claims that, once the potatoes have been analysed, they will be destroyed. German environmental protection organisation BUND blasted the project. It criticised it from an environmental point of view as well as asserting that genetically modified crops pose a threat to industry and jobs. A spokesman for BUND said only around 500 jobs exist in the privately financed genetic-engineering sector compared to 150,000 jobs in the organic-farming sector. "Source":[ http://www.checkbiotech.org/root/index.cfm?fuseaction=news&doc_id=13130&start=1&control=188&page_start=1&page_nr=101&pg=1]

Biotech Acres: Global Biotech Plantings Show Double-Digit Growth for 10th Straight Year - Biotech farm crops grew in 2006 by 13 percent over the previous year — the 10th straight year of double-digit increases, according to a new report from the nonprofit International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) (18.4.2007)

Planting the Seeds for Folate Enrichment - Researchers at the University of Florida in the U (6.4.2007)

Peas fight pig infections - A field trial with genetically modified peas is planned in Gatersleben, Germany (19.2.2007)



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