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GMO zero tolerance devastating for EU feed industry

Date: 29.7.2007 

Coceral, the European grain and feedstuffs traders and Fefac, the EU compound feed manufacturers welcome the new EU Commission report on the economic impact of unapproved GMOs, which concludes on the “need to take urgent action to avoid negative implications for EU livestock production and agriculture overall”. JeanMichel Aspar, Coceral President, stated that “the present strict zero-tolerance policy of the EU is disproportionate and will lead to a complete halt of vital feed supplies from South and North-America, as no trading company will bear the risk of guaranteeing absence of traces of GMOs approved in some third countries but not yet in the EU”. He stressed that “the EU is totally dependant on soybean meal imports as major source of vegetable proteins, for which no substitutes are available in sufficient quantities on EU or world markets”. Whole article on "checkbiotech.org":[ http://www.checkbiotech.org/green_News_Genetics.aspx?infoId=15203]



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