Type of job: full-time
We are seeking an outstanding applicant for a position of a group leader who is willing to accept the challenge of starting an independent world-class research group in the field of bio-NMR for Integrative Structural Biology Research Program of CEITEC. Structural Biology Research Program will run core facilities for X-ray crystallography, high-end cryo electron microscopy and tomography, studies of biomolecular interactions, and high-field NMR spectroscopy.
You will be part of CEITEC – Central European Institute of Technology in Brno, Czech Republic, an academic research institution established jointly by Masaryk University, Brno University of Technology, Mendel University in Brno, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical
Sciences Brno, Institute of Physics of Materials, Veterinary Research Institute. The institute will host 600 scientists in state-of-the-art equipped laboratories. Genomics and Proteomics of Plant Systems, Molecular Medicine, Molecular Veterinary Medicine, and Brain and Mind Research represent other Life Science Research Programs of CEITEC. CEITEC will also host high throughput –omics core facilities. The material sciences programmes are part of CEITEC as well.
The High-field NMR Core Facility will be equipped with six high-resolution NMR systems ranging from 500 to 950 MHz. Central Supporting Laboratory for preparation of biomacromolecules for NMR, X-ray, and CRYO-EM and Laboratory of Protein Expression in Eukaryotic Cells will be available on site.
Group resources include funds for post-doc positions, personnel and running costs.
The successful candidate must hold a PhD degree in a relevant field and should show:
An interest in close collaboration with local experimental groups is essential. We will offer internationally competitive conditions and benefits in line with your experience. The positions are available from 2011 on for an initial period of five years. The beginning of the employment relationship and the onset of group operations is negotiable.
Your application should include:
Electronic applications must be received by November 15, 2011, to ensure consideration. Please submit your application to the coordinator of the Structural Biology Research Program Prof. Vladimír Sklenář at: sb.nmr(at)ceitec.muni.cz
Prof. Vladimír Sklenář
Updated: 15.10.2011
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