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Herpes Virus Can Be Used As Nanomachines For Cancer Treatment

Date: 20.10.2007 

Herpes viruses, though not life-threatening, are usually considered to be embarrassing and annoying. Researchers at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, however, are using the virus to potentially fight breast cancer, which, according to the American Cancer Society, is the most common cancer among women. #img_742#.<> Sections of **breast cancers** growing after implantation in mice were prepared for pathological examination. Panel A shows a breast cancer from a mouse that received the killed virus injection (control). Panel B shows a breast cancer from a mouse that received a liquid that was used to dilute the virus (control). Panel C shows a breast cancer from a mouse that received the live cancer fighting herpes virus. In panel C, it can be seen that breast cancer cells have been killed (Necrotic N) compared to panels A and B in which cancer cells are viable. (Credit: Image courtesy of Louisiana State University) Whole article: "http://www.sciencedaily.com":[ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/10/071016093219.htm]



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