Brno, Czech Republic (September 13 - 16, 2005)
Strengthening the presence of foreign exhibitors and visitors, lectures by European top experts in medical branches and targeted promotion at foreign fairs focused on the accessing EU countries and Asia – those are some of the benefits for the new fair resulting of the association to the medical fair in Düsseldorf. The new fair's concept does not forget the present exhibitors and visitors to the REHAPROTEX fair either, who will find products and services within even a better offer at the exhibition centre. The branch structure of the fair has undergone a radical cut, through which the organizers meet the exhibitors´ requirements. It will comprise three basic topics: medical equipment, rehabilitation + prosthetics and health. As early as this autumn, a whole number of attractive topics and branches will be presented at the exhibition centre of Brno, including healthy lifestyle, nutrition and wellness.
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