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How bioelectrics research could make us healthier

Date: 17.2.2010 

Imagine a technology that, in a few controlled zaps, could cure **cancer**, **purify water**, boost alternative-energy production and wrangle agricultural pests — without harmful side effects for humans. It may seem sci-fi. And certainly the electromagnetic gadgets kept for these purposes in the basement of MU’s Engineering Building West — an anechoic chamber, portable pulsars, TEM Cells — look futuristic. But if MU Professor of Engineering Naz Islam and his fellow researchers have their way, better living through **bioelectrics** is an imminent reality. Focused pulses of electricity have the potential to replace harmful chemicals in practices ranging from pesticide use to **chemotherapy**. “It’s a very clean way of doing things,” Islam says. Zdroj "miyyouwire.missouri.edu":[ http://mizzouwire.missouri.edu/stories/2009/bioelectrics/index.php]



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