Home pagePress monitoringHuman derived stem cells can repair rat hearts damaged by...

Human derived stem cells can repair rat hearts damaged by heart attack

Date: 28.8.2007 

**When human heart muscle cells derived from embryonic stem cells are implanted into a rat after a heart attack, they can help rebuild the animal's heart muscle and improve function of the organ, scientists report in the September issue of Nature Biotechnology** The researchers also developed a new process that greatly improves how **stem cells** are turned into heart muscle cells and then survive after being implanted in the damaged rat heart. The findings suggest that **stem-cell-based** treatments might one day help people suffering from heart disease, the leading cause of death in most of the world.... Whole article on "checkbiotech":[ http://www.checkbiotech.org/orphan_News_treatmentandhealth.aspx?infoId=991]



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