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Identification and immunotherapeutic targeting of antigens induced by chemotherapy

Date: 18.4.2006 

Cancer cells differ from normal cells in their response to chemotherapy. We exploited this dissimilarity by identifying and targeting tumor-specific, cell-surface proteins whose expression is induced by the chemotherapeutic irinotecan (CPT-11; Camptosar). A cytotoxin-armed antibody reactive with one of these drug-induced surface proteins, the LY6D/E48 antigen, originally identified as the target of a monoclonal antibody reactive with squamous cell carcinomas, caused complete regression of colorectal tumor xenografts in mice treated with CPT-11, whereas either agent alone was less effective. These results suggest that a positive therapeutic index may be generated for other drug combinations by immunotherapeutic targeting of chemotherapy-induced antigens. "Source":[ http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v24/n2/abs/nbt1185.html].



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