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In support of Bt cotton

Date: 30.1.2006 

Bt cotton technology has been widely accepted by Indian farmers across the country since its first commercialisation in 2002. In 2005-06, the current cotton season, legally permitted Bt cotton has been planted over 14 lakh hectares in northern, central and southern cotton growing zones as compared to merely 45,000 ha in 2002-03. The area under official Bt cotton accounts for 15.6% of the 90 lakh ha, which is the total cotton area of the country. There were only three Bt cotton hybrids in 2002. Against that, nearly 20 Bt cotton hybrids belonging to half a dozen companies have been planted across the country in the current season. In 2005-06, more than 10 lakh small and medium farmers in India enjoyed the benefits of Bt cotton technology. The significant increase in cotton yield during the last five years is reportedly higher than the cumulative increase in the last five decades. As a result, cotton production has touched 250 lakh bales (1 bale=170 kg) in the 2005 season, higher than the projected target of 220 lakh bales for the tenth five year plan under the Technology Mission on Cotton (TMC). Yield, that directly measures the income of poor farmers, has increased from 309 kg/ha in 2001-02 to 460 kg/ha in 2004-05, and is estimated to reach 475 kg/ha in 2005-06. Bt cotton technology provides new avenues for the Indian textile industry in the post-quota regime of the WTO. The availability of good quality raw cotton on a regular basis was a genuine concern a few years back. It has concluded that the cultivation of Bt cotton allows for an additional net profit of at least about Rs 12,000 per ha, and about 40-50% savings in pesticide use, while other varieties report failure due to drought and multiple pest epidemics. Bt hybrids mature early, enabling double-cropping in single-cropped areas. The consultation raised serious concerns about the sale of spurious Bt cotton seeds and calls for strong measure to prevent that. Lack of general awareness of crop biotech in different cotton-growing areas is cause for serious concern. The consultation has also advocated that a large-scale training programme be introduced in Krishi Vigyan Kendras and the state-extension system to ensure safe and effective transfer of crop biotech products. Critics of agri-biotech have often cited a recent research paper of K R Kranthi of the Central Institute of Cotton Research, published in Current Science. It is incorrect to conclude that the paper points to the ineffectiveness of Bt cotton in controlling the bollworm. While Bt cotton is highly effective during the 60-115 days period, we advocate the use of insecticide sprays during the remaining one to two weeks period when bollworm populations may reach economic threshold levels. A recent global study on socio-economic and environmental impact of GM crops by Graham Brookes and Peter Barfoot reported a cumulative gain of $124 million to the Indian farm economy over the last three years as a result of Bt cotton technology. However, cases of wilting of Bt cotton crop have been reported in the media. Micronutrient imbalance might have caused the wilting problem. It is essential to educate farmers to adopt an integrated fertiliser, pest and micronutrient regime. "Source":[ http://www.checkbiotech.org/root/index.cfm?fuseaction=news&doc_id=12104&start=1&control=179&page_start=1&page_nr=101&pg=1]

Transgenic crops relatively kind to insects - Crops modified to produce insecticides against pests are relatively kind to other insects, an analysis of 42 field experiments suggests (10.6.2007)



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