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Innovative Method To Starve Tumors

Date: 25.2.2009 

The development of **cancerous tumours** is highly dependent on the nutrients the tumours receive through the blood. The team of Dr. Janusz Rak, of the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) at the Montreal Children's Hospital, including Dr. Khalid Al-Nedawi and Brian Meehan, has just discovered a new mechanism that tumours use to **stimulate the growth** of the blood vessels that feed them. The researchers have also proposed a **new way to control this process**, which may translate into future therapies. These findings were published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). More on "muhc.ca":[ http://www.muhc.ca/media/news/item/?item_id=104433]



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