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Interface of biotechnology and ecology for environmental risk assessments of transgenic fish

Date: 25.1.2006 

Genetically engineered fish with enhanced phenotypic traits have yet to be implemented into commercial applications. This is partly because of the difficulties in reliably predicting the ecological risk of transgenic fish should they escape into the wild. The ecological consequences of the phenotypic differences between transgenic and wild-type fish, as determined in the laboratory, can be uncertain because of genotype-by-environment effects (GXE). Additionally, we are limited in our ability to extrapolate simple phenotypes to the complex ecological interactions that occur in nature. Genetic background can also shape the phenotypic effects of transgenes, which, over time and among different wild populations, can make risk assessments a continuously evolving target. These uncertainties suggest that assessments of transgenic fish in contained facilities need to be conducted under as wide a range of conditions as possible, and that efficacious physical and biological containment strategies remain as crucial approaches to ensure the safe application of transgenic fish technology. "Source":[ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TCW-4HWXJ3D-2&_coverDate=12%2F27%2F2005&_alid=356541967&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_qd=1&_cdi=5181&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=8051fb6c870312f2dc693f2b6a3360ed].

Tough GM salmon lose their nerve in the 'wild' - Transgenic fish that behave ferociously in a bare tank, appear meek under more natural conditions, meaning it will not be easy for biologists to predict the ecological consequences of escaped GM animals (5.3.2007)



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