Press monitoring

AB Science announces that new preclinical data demonstrate that masitinib has an unexpected protective effect on muscles and nerves in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

3.1.2017   |   Press monitoring

Paris, January 3 2017, 6.45pm New preclinical data demonstrate that masitinib has an unexpected  protective effect on muscles and nerves in amyotrophic lateral...


NovoGate: New Technological Platform Available with Novolyze to Evaluate Foodborne Pathogen Inactivation

2.1.2017   |   Press monitoring

Novolyze is a food biotechnology company focusing on evaluating food, beverage and animal food processing equipment for pathogen inactivation.  Novolyze is already recognized for its innovative...


Compact CRISPR systems found in some of world’s smallest microbes

2.1.2017   |   Press monitoring

UC Berkeley scientists have discovered simple CRISPR systems similar to CRISPR-Cas9 — a gene-editing tool that has revolutionized biology — in previously unexplored bacteria that have eluded efforts to grow them in the laboratory. The new systems are highly compact, befitting their presence in some of the smallest life forms on the planet. If...


First use of graphene to detect cancer cells

30.12.2016   |   Press monitoring

What can't graphene do? You can scratch "detect cancer" off of that list. By interfacing brain cells onto graphene, researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have shown they can differentiate a single hyperactive cancerous cell from a normal cell, pointing the way to developing a simple, noninvasive tool for early cancer...


Synthetic stem cells could offer therapeutic benefits, reduced risks

28.12.2016   |   Press monitoring

Researchers from North Carolina State University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University have developed a synthetic version of a cardiac stem cell. These synthetic stem cells offer therapeutic benefits comparable to those from natural stem cells and could reduce some of the risks...


Optical tractor beam traps bacteria

26.12.2016   |   Press monitoring

Up to now, if scientists wanted to study blood cells, algae, or bacteria under the microscope, they had to mount these cells on a substrate such as a glass slide. Physicists at Bielefeld and Frankfurt Universities have developed a method that traps biological cells with a laser beam enabling them to study them at very high resolutions. In science...


Artificial leaf could make a medicinal mini-factory

23.12.2016   |   Press monitoring

Leaves are kind of like nature's power plants, converting incoming sunlight into energy for the plant to thrive on. Inspired by the real thing, scientists have previously created artificial leaves that function in much the same way as their natural counterparts to produce electricity and even liquid fuels. Now a team at Eindhoven University of...


Stem cell living bandage for knee injuries trialled in humans

21.12.2016   |   Press monitoring

A 'living bandage' made from stem cells, which could revolutionise the treatment and prognosis of a common sporting knee injury, has been trialled in humans for the first time by scientists at the Universities of Liverpool and Bristol. Meniscal tears are suffered by over one million people a year in the US and Europe alone and are particularly...


Cellular reprogramming reverses signs of aging

19.12.2016   |   Press monitoring

Graying hair, crow's feet, an injury that's taking longer to heal than when we were 20—faced with the unmistakable signs of aging, most of us have had a least one fantasy of turning back time. Now, scientists at the Salk Institute have found that intermittent expression of genes normally associated with an embryonic state can reverse the...


Researchers sequence entire genome of seahorse, investigate essential mechanisms of evolution

16.12.2016   |   Press monitoring

The genome project, comprising six evolutionary biologists from Professor Axel Meyer's research team from Konstanz and researchers from China and Singapore, sequenced and analyzed the genome of the tiger tail seahorse. They obtained new molecular evolutionary results that are relevant for biodiversity research: the loss and duplication of genes...




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