Press monitoring

Researchers deliver transcription factors into specific tissue of a living animal for the first time

4.5.2015   |   Press monitoring

A team of researchers affiliated with the University of California has for the first time, delivered transcription factors into specific tissue of a living animal. In their paper published in the journal Nature Materials, the team describes how they built on prior research to come up with a new technique that allowed for the brea...


Human tape worm drug shows promise against MRSA in lab

1.5.2015   |   Press monitoring

Researchers based at Brown University and Rhode Island Hospital show in a new study that a drug already approved to fight tapeworms in people, effectively treated MRSA superbugs in lab cultures and in infected nematode worms. The scientists are pursuing further testing with hope that the findings will lead to new treatments for deadly MRSA...


Rubber from dandelions: Key components in formation of rubber identified

29.4.2015   |   Press monitoring

Dandelions deliver a desirable product: rubber. This is why the robust and undemanding plant has become the focus of attention of the rubber-producing industry. But how is rubber, contained in the plant's white milky fluid, actually formed? A team of scientists has now identified proteins, which play a key role in the production of rubber in the...


The appeal of being anti-GMO

27.4.2015   |   Press monitoring

A team of Belgian philosophers and plant biotechnologists have turned to cognitive science to explain why opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has become so widespread, despite positive contributions GM crops have made to sustainable agriculture. In a paper published April 10 in Trends in Plant Science, they argue that the human...


Researchers deliver large particles into cells at high speed

24.4.2015   |   Press monitoring

A new device developed by UCLA engineers and doctors may eventually help scientists study the development of disease, enable them to capture improved images of the inside of cells and lead to other improvements in medical and biological research. The researchers created a highly efficient automated tool that delivers nanoparticles, enzymes,...


Modified Salmonella eats away at cancer, without a side order of food poisoning

22.4.2015   |   Press monitoring

Though generally a bacteria we'd associate with a severe bout of food poisoning, previous research has suggested that Salmonella needn't always bring bad news and stomach cramps. Certain strains have been shown to kill off cancer cells, but to use them as a form of treatment for humans without inducing any nasty side effects has so far proven...


Plant oils used for novel bio-based plastics

20.4.2015   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have developed a new way to use plant oils like olive and linseed oil to create polyurethane, a plastic material used in everything from foam insulation panels to tires, hoses and sealants. Polyurethane is extremely tough and corrosion- and wear-resistant, but researchers would like a more environmentally friendly alternative to the...


Researchers discover gene that controls melting point of cocoa butter

17.4.2015   |   Press monitoring

The discovery of a gene involved in determining the melting point of cocoa butter—a critical attribute of the substance widely used in foods and pharmaceuticals—will likely lead to new and improved products, according to researchers in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences. The finding by plant geneticists also should lead to new...


New DNA dataset is potent, accessible tool

15.4.2015   |   Press monitoring

Scientists focused on producing biofuels more efficiently have a new powerful dataset to help them study the DNA of microbes that fuel bioconversion and other processes. In a paper published in Nature Scientific Data, researchers from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, North Carolina State University and LanzaTech describe...


Researchers develop harmless artificial virus for gene therapy

13.4.2015   |   Press monitoring

Researchers of the Nanobiology Unit from the UAB Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, led by Antonio Villaverde, managed to create artificial viruses, protein complexes with the ability of self-assembling and forming nanoparticles which are capable of surrounding DNA fragments, penetrating the cells and reaching the nucleus in a very...




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