Press monitoring

The bowhead whale lives over 200 years: Can its genes tell us why?

8.1.2015   |   Press monitoring

A whale that can live over 200 years with little evidence of age-related disease may provide untapped insights into how to live a long and healthy life. In the January 6 issue of the Cell Press journal Cell Reports, researchers present the complete bowhead whale genome and identify key differences compared to other mammals.


How scorpion venom could yield new cancer treatment

7.1.2015   |   Press monitoring

In the development of new drugs, taking something from nature and modifying it has been a successful tactic employed by medicinal chemists for years. Now, with the help of nanotechnology, researchers are turning once-discarded drug candidates into usable drugs. Scorpion venom has been gaining interest as a source of new drugs. It contains a...


Scientists tap tree genomes to discover adaptation strategies

6.1.2015   |   Press monitoring

After decades of extrapolating about gene function in trees based on gene function in a tiny, less complex plant, a team of scientists has sequenced whole genomes -- determined the DNA sequence of all the genes -- from 544 unrelated trees of the same species. The study identified gene sequences from Populus trichocarpa, to understand how trees...


More effective diet pill: Imaginary meal tricks the body into losing weight

5.1.2015   |   Press monitoring

Salk researchers have developed an entirely new type of pill that tricks the body into thinking it has consumed calories, causing it to burn fat. Unlike most diet pills on the market, this new pill, called fexaramine, doesn't dissolve into the blood like appetite suppressants or caffeine-based diet drugs, but remains in the intestines, causing...


Researchers use optogenetics to trigger REM sleep in mice

2.1.2015   |   Press monitoring

Getting enough of the right kind of sleep is crucial for keeping both body and mind healthy. Now a team of researchers at MIT has moved a step closer to being able to produce natural sleep patterns. To develop better approaches to creating natural sleep, researchers need to study the extent to which the various sleep stages can be created first...


Gelatin nanoparticles could deliver drugs to the brain

1.1.2015   |   Press monitoring

Stroke victims could have more time to seek treatment that could reduce harmful effects on the brain, thanks to tiny blobs of gelatin that could deliver the medication to the brain noninvasively. University of Illinois researchers and colleagues in South Korea, led by U. of I. electrical and computer engineering senior research scientist Hyungsoo...


Cancer treatment potential discovered in gene repair mechanism

31.12.2014   |   Press monitoring

Case Western Reserve researchers have identified a two-pronged therapeutic approach that shows great potential for weakening and then defeating cancer cells. The team's complex mix of genetic and biochemical experiments unearthed a way to increase the presence of a tumor-suppressing protein which, in turn, gives it the strength to direct cancer...


Bacteria could be rich source for making terpenes

30.12.2014   |   Press monitoring

If you've ever enjoyed the scent of a pine forest or sniffed a freshly cut basil leaf, then you're familiar with terpenes. The compounds are responsible for the essential oils of plants and the resins of trees. Since the discovery of terpenes more than 150 years ago, scientists have isolated some 50,000 different terpene compounds derived from...


Rudimentary egg and sperm cells made from stem cells

29.12.2014   |   Press monitoring

Israeli and UK researchers have created human sperm and egg precursor cells in a dish, starting from a person's skin cells. The achievement is a small step towards a treatment for infertility, although one that could face significant controversy and regulatory hurdles. The experiment recreates in humans parts of a procedure first developed in...


FDA approves blood test that predicts risk of coronary heart disease

26.12.2014   |   Press monitoring

Coronary heart disease (CHD) kills more than 385,000 people in the United States each year, and more than half of those who die suddenly have no previous symptoms. A new blood test that could reduce CHD-related illness and mortality by predicting the risk of future heart disease has been cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The...




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