Press monitoring

Ebola Serum Turns Out to Be an Antibody Cocktail

7.8.2014   |   Press monitoring

The “secret serum” being used to treat the two Americans infected with Ebola virus is a humanized, three-monoclonal-antibody experimental cocktail provided by Mapp Biopharmaceutical, a small San Diego-based biotech company. Known as ZMapp™, the product is the result of a collaboration between Mapp, LeafBio, Toronto-based Defyrus, the U.S....


Seamless gene correction of beta-thalassemia mutations in patient-specific cells

6.8.2014   |   Press monitoring

A major hurdle in gene therapy is the efficient integration of a corrected gene into a patient's genome without mutating off-target sites. In a paper published today in Genome Research, scientists have used CRISPR/Cas genome editing technology to seamlessly and efficiently correct disease-causing mutations in cells from patients with...


Self-assembling anti-cancer molecules created in minutes

5.8.2014   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have developed a simple and versatile method for making artificial anti-cancer molecules that mimic the properties of one of the body's natural defence systems. The chemists, led by Professor Peter Scott at the University of Warwick, UK, have been able to produce molecules that have a similar structure to peptides which are naturally...


See-through organs and bodies will accelerate biomedical discoveries

4.8.2014   |   Press monitoring

The ability to see through organs and even the entire body to visualize long-range connections between cells as well as fine-grained cellular structures has been a long-time dream of biologists. A study published by Cell Press July 31st in the journal Cell has now made that dream a reality, revealing simple methods for making opaque organs,...


8.2 percent of our DNA is functional

1.8.2014   |   Press monitoring

Only 8.2% of human DNA is likely to be doing something important – is 'functional' – say Oxford University researchers. This figure is very different from one given in 2012, when some scientists involved in the ENCODE (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements) project stated that 80% of our genome has some biochemical function. That claim has been...


Exploring 3-D printing to make organs for transplants

31.7.2014   |   Press monitoring

Printing whole new organs for transplants sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but the real-life budding technology could one day make actual kidneys, livers, hearts and other organs for patients who desperately need them. In the ACS journal Langmuir, scientists are reporting new understanding about the dynamics of 3-D bioprinting that...


Ebola treatments caught in limbo

30.7.2014   |   Press monitoring

Medical relief workers fighting a burgeoning Ebola outbreak in West Africa have not been welcomed with open arms. Death was all that the hazmat-suited visitors seemed to bring. Most patients who entered the makeshift hospitals died, their families forbidden to handle their bodies. Rumours flew that these newcomers were harvesting organs and...


Illuminating the dark side of the genome

29.7.2014   |   Press monitoring

Almost 50 percent of our genome is made up of highly repetitive DNA, which makes it very difficult to be analysed. In fact, repeats are discarded in most genome-wide studies and thus, insights into this part of the genome remained limited. Scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics (MPI-IE) in Freiburg now...


New, noncommittal mechanism of drug resistance discovered

28.7.2014   |   Press monitoring

Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi can evade treatment by acquiring mutations in the genes targeted by antibiotics or antifungal drugs. These permanent mutations were once thought to be the only way for drug-resistant strains to evolve. Now a new study has shown that microorganisms can use a temporary silencing of drug targets -- known as...


Newly discovered gut virus lives in half the world\'s population

25.7.2014   |   Press monitoring

Odds are, there's a virus living inside your gut that has gone undetected by scientists for decades. A new study led by researchers at San Diego State University has found that more than half the world's population is host to a newly described virus, named crAssphage, which infects one of the most common types of gut bacteria, ...




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