Press monitoring

Researchers get a handle on what made Typhoid Mary\'s infectious microbes tick

22.8.2013   |   Press monitoring

Stanford University School of Medicine scientists have shown how salmonella—a bacterial menace responsible for hundreds of thousands ...


Researchers mass produce reprogrammed T cells that target cancer cells

21.8.2013   |   Press monitoring

A team of researchers at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center has developed a method for mass producing T cells ...


Marine compound first new natural antibiotic in decades

20.8.2013   |   Press monitoring

A new antibiotic that is effective at killing anthrax and superbug MRSA bacteria could be a weapon in the fight ...


Fluorescent organic nanoparticles outperform existing methods for long-term tracking of living cells

19.8.2013   |   Press monitoring

A research team in Asia has developed a method for tracking, or 'tracing', cells that overcomes the limitations ...


Dad\'s genes build placentas, study shows

16.8.2013   |   Press monitoring

Though placentas support the fetus and mother, it turns out that the organ grows according to blueprints from dad, says new Cornell research ...


Laser pulses reveal DNA repair mechanisms

15.8.2013   |   Press monitoring

A new straightforward method enables monitoring the response of nuclear proteins to DNA damage in time and space. The approach ...


DNA nanorobots find and tag cellular targets

14.8.2013   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center, working with their collaborators at the Hospital for Special Surgery ...


New materials for bio-based hydrogen synthesis

13.8.2013   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have discovered an efficient process for hydrogen biocatalysis. They developed semi-synthetic ...


\'Digging up\' 4-billion-year-old fossil protein structures to reveal how they evolved

12.8.2013   |   Press monitoring

Modern proteins exhibit an impressive degree of structural diversity, which has been well characterized, but very little is known ...


Caffeine \'traffic light\': Do you want to know how much caffeine is in your drink?

9.8.2013   |   Press monitoring

A team of researchers led by Young-Tae Chang from National University of Singapore and Yoon-Kyoung Cho from Ulsan ...




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