Press monitoring

Pressurized Virus Blasts Its Infectious DNA Into Human Cells

25.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

The virus that causes those painful lip blisters known as cold sores has an internal pressure eight times higher ...


Wave of Blue Fluorescence Reveals Pathway of Death in Worms

24.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

The final biological events in the life of a worm are described in a new article. The paper reveals how death spreads ...


How to Survive Without Sex: Rotifer Genome Reveals Its Strategies

23.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

How a group of animals can abandon sex, yet produce more than 460 species over evolutionary time, became a little less ...


Researchers use DNA origami technique to build nanoantennas

22.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

A team of researchers working at Germany's Technische Universität Braunschweig has succeeded in using a previously known DNA origami ...


Monsanto drops bid to grow new GM foods in EU

19.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

US agro-chemicals giant Monsanto said Thursday it will drop all requests to be allowed to grow new genetically modified ...


Empty Decoys Divert Antibodies from Neutralizing Gene Therapy

18.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

Gene therapy researchers have produced a bioengineered decoy that fools the immune system and prevents it from mistakenly ...


Genetic Secrets of the World\'s Toughest Little Bird

17.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

Scientists from Griffith University have taken part in an international study which has revealed the genetic secrets ...


Drought Response Identified in Potential Biofuel Plant

16.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

Drought resistance is the key to large-scale production of Jatropha, a potential biofuel plant - and an international group ...


Boldly Illuminating Biology\'s \'Dark Matter\'

15.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

Is space really the final frontier, or are the greatest mysteries closer to home? In cosmology, dark matter ...


Spread of DNA databases sparks ethical concerns

12.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

You can ditch your computer and leave your cellphone at home, but you can't escape your DNA. It belongs uniquely ...




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