3.9.2013 | Press monitoring
Kansas State University entomologists have helped identify a neuropeptide named natalisin that regulates the sexual activity ...
2.9.2013 | Press monitoring
A consortium of researchers from The University of Queensland, the Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF Qld) and BGI ...
30.8.2013 | Press monitoring
What plant scientists call senescence, consumers experience as wilted produce and overripe fruit ...
29.8.2013 | Press monitoring
¨Researchers at Columbia University, in collaboration with biologists in Baylor College of Medicine, have made a significant step in understanding ...
28.8.2013 | Press monitoring
Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have found a way to apply a powerful new DNA-editing technology more broadly than ever before ...
27.8.2013 | Press monitoring
Dioxane, a chemical in wide industrial use, has an enemy in naturally occurring bacteria that remove it from the environment ...
26.8.2013 | Press monitoring
A ring of protein and pigments, half synthetic and half natural, can be used to quickly prototype light-harvesting antennas that absorb ...
23.8.2013 | Press monitoring
The materials for stitching up injuries and surgical wounds may have changed over the millennia, but the basic process of suturing tissue ...
22.8.2013 | Press monitoring
Stanford University School of Medicine scientists have shown how salmonella—a bacterial menace responsible for hundreds of thousands ...
21.8.2013 | Press monitoring
A team of researchers at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center has developed a method for mass producing T cells ...
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