Press monitoring

3-D-Printed Splint Saves Infant\'s Life

11.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

Researchers printed a 3D splint that saved the life of an infant born with severe tracheobronchomalacia ...


Could our diet while growing up affect our offspring\'s vitality?

10.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

You are what you eat - and so are your offspring. And in the title bout featuring protein versus sugar ...


New Tissue Engineering Breakthrough Encourages Nerve Repair

9.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

A new combination of tissue engineering techniques could reduce the need for nerve grafts, according to new research ...


To feed the future, we must mine the wealth of the world\'s seed banks today

8.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

With fewer than a dozen flowering plants out of 300,000 species accounting for 80 percent of humanity's caloric intake ...


Pollution-fighting algae: Algae species holds potential for dual role as pollution reducer, biofuel source

5.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

A hardy algae species is showing promise in both reducing power plant pollution and making biofuel ...


Smart Anticancer \'Nanofiber Mesh\'

4.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

Japan research team has developed a new nanofiber mesh which is capable of simultaneously realizing thermotherapy and chemotherapy ...


How coral cures your ills

3.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

Next time you successfully fight off a nasty infection, give thanks to the Great Barrier Reef. A dramatic discovery by an Australian team ...


Improving Crop Yields in a World of Extreme Weather Events

2.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

When plants encounter drought, they naturally produce abscisic acid (ABA), a stress hormone that helps ...


Ultrasound to improve algae harvest

1.7.2013   |   Press monitoring

Scientists from the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) are using ultrasound to reduce the amount of energy needed to harvest microalgae ...


700,000 year old horse genome sequenced

28.6.2013   |   Press monitoring

It is nothing short of a world record in DNA research that scientists at the Centre for GeoGenetics at the Natural History Museum ...




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